eBook Design

eBook Design and Formatting Made Affordable and Accessible

Stay Focused On Your Writing.
 You've got a book designer with over a decade of experience on your side. I started formatting electronic editions for books in 2005, two years before the release of the first Amazon Kindle. Over the years, formatting for every device has gotten more difficult as strides are made to create and adhere to various technical standards. That's okay. These coding and formatting standards help the e-book ecosystem to be more stable, reliable and predictable. 
What this means for the typical small press or self-publishing author is a mountain of technical information to digest and understand before creating a successful eBook.

Some authors have even approached me after attempting the feat themselves, with files that on the face look fine, read beautifully, and test well in standard previewing software - but their chosen platform or distributor has rejected this seemingly perfect file. 
This is where expertise comes in. Knowing e-books and the supporting technology so well allows for an approach to formatting with purpose. Whether the e-book file is created from scratch, or an existing file repaired and brought up to standards, the final result is always the same.

You'll know a Totencreative format when you experience it for yourself. Expertise and passion are easy to spot. Contact me today, so that your book can join the thousands of books I've designed.

Book Cover Design. Ebook Formatting. Print Preparation. 
I am your full service book designer. 
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